Wednesday, July 22, 2015

News: Nasa Announce The Incredible Discovery Of ‘Earth 2.0′

Finally, the search for life on other planets has turned up a rather positive result. Having spent years exploring the outer reaches of space, the science boffins deserve a pat on the back while the alien fanatics owe us an “I told you so”. NASA have found a planet which is already being dubbed ‘Earth 2.0′ and although you can’t get there on one tank, it might just have life on it.
Exoplanets are planets which have similar characteristics to earth and could therefore be home to life. A few years ago these exoplanets were the reserve of science fiction but now discoveries are being made left right and centre which lead experts to believe there may well be life out there.

The Kepler Spacecraft launched in 2009 and is suspected to have made an array of interesting discoveries. NASA have called a press conference to discuss “new discoveries made by its planet-hunting mission, the Kepler Space Telescope”. The Kepler Spacecraft has picked out around 1000 planets and 22 of these are thought to have attributes which could support life.
Tomorrow at 4pm NASA will be making the important announcement. Sci-fi nerds are hoping that the announcement will revolve around a planet approximately the same size as earth. After all, what’s the point of having a twin if you’re not the same size? The news is eagerly awaited by the world’s press but I fear that it could be bad news. What if there is life on another planet and it already knows we exist? What if they’re amassing an attack? Personally, I’m worried.

So if you’re reading this on your smartphone as the train rolls towards the next stop, just remember: there’s probably an alien reading a news story on a train on an exoplanet. And the headline is “ATTACK ON EARTH COMMENCES TOMORROW.”

NASA has found "Earth 2.0"

Posted by NowThis on Thursday, July 23, 2015

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